onsdag 22 december 2010

The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency

The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency is located in Botswana, a country in the south of Africa. The owner is Mma Ramotswe, a wealthy woman who is very proud of her country and of Africa. She had been married before but her man was very evil and hit her. She became pregnant and the hits resulted in that she lost her baby. There is one more woman working on the detective agency, the secretary Mma Makutsi. Mma Ramotswe inherited cattle from her father when he died. His last wish was that she should sell the cattle, buy a house and start a business.  She chooses to be the first boatswain lady detective. People with different kind of cases visit the detective agency. For example one case she solved was about an eleven year old boy that had disappeared.       
When I read the story I realize the different between the societies in Botswana and in Sweden, the outlook on people is different. Mma Ramotswe sees the good qualities in all people. She is a powerful woman and few people don’t dare to obey her orders. She gives the culprits a second chance. If they don’t stop she threatens them to involve the police.
Another difference is that we wouldn’t be allowed to have own detective agency here in Sweden. These sorts of cases would instead be solved by the police. We don’t do much by ourselves; instead we think the society will solve our problems. I think the people in the developing world help each other much more that we do. This is an opinion Mma Ramotswe declare in the book. Even if they have it hard they help each and everybody join the community. I think we would help each other more than we do today. Many people in our country are alone and would be happy if anybody visits them sometimes.
Many of the people that come to the detective agency have same sorts of problem that we have. Women that wonder were their husbands are and if they are unfaithful. Parents that are worry about which persons their children visits. In Sweden you have to solve this kind of problem of your own. I think that is one reason to many misunderstandings. Maybe it would be good to have persons that help us to solve these problems. Or is it to private?
In this blog assignment I have discussed some of the similarities and differences between Botswana and Sweden. Eventually I will recommend all you readers to read this book because it is really fun and worth considering.